Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Grease, whoops, Greece is the word...

Grease is the word, is the word that you heard
It's got groove, it's got meaning ...

Actually, "Greece" is the word, is the word that your heard, It's got DEBT, it's got THE WORLD FINANCIAL MARKETS IN A QUAKE...

Is it 'proper' to have the Greek citizens vote on whether or not to honor the debts their legitimately elected gov't obtained?

Anyone care to make a bet on if the people will agree to pay off the humongous debt?  (Hint, anyone recall the lessons learned in the Weimar Republic in Germany, circa early '20s?


  1. Socialists have to be reminded that owning up to responsibilities is a tough pill to swallow sometimes... I'll bet there is a majority switch to the opposing conservative party, but then once things settle, that PASOK group will come back for re election and blame the problems on the conservative party through glorified "lies."

  2. Betting a 2L of Mountain Dew of course.


Share your unique economics experiences. What did you have to give up to gain that which at the moment seemed so necessary to you? Imperfect information spanked you and now diminishing marginal utility smacks you upside the head, eh?