Saturday, December 8, 2012

Nick Kristof, call your office

A revered columnist for the New York Times, Nick Kristof has waded into the morass left in the wake of Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy that gobsmacked the liberal meccas of New York metropolitan and Jersey Shore.  His column is linked below.  As you read it, wonder some things...where does Mr. Kristof live?  Was he too ignorant to get his own generator?  Does he like hypocrisy in that the same people he's lambasting are the ones that give so much support to the causes Kristof is so enamored with?

Think, ponder, wonder, and see the man behind the curtain.  Is there a law of unintended consequences that he fails to acknowledge, or not?

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Share your unique economics experiences. What did you have to give up to gain that which at the moment seemed so necessary to you? Imperfect information spanked you and now diminishing marginal utility smacks you upside the head, eh?