Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Michigan Education Association to seek strike authorization

Wow...where to start in refutation?  So many options...

Amazing.  Middle class under assault, eh?  If so, it is in part by the MEA advocating for higher taxes.

So, a strike by a public school teacher is illegal.  Who would have guessed?  And here the kids thought they would just get a few days off of school.

Sum total part is the warning to stock up two months worth of pay.  To build one's  I'd have NEVER thought of that even in good times.

1 comment:

  1. "To save the village we had to destroy the village." One would think this same mentality pervades the MEA, eh?


Share your unique economics experiences. What did you have to give up to gain that which at the moment seemed so necessary to you? Imperfect information spanked you and now diminishing marginal utility smacks you upside the head, eh?