Scarcity, Opportunity Cost and Competition impact our decision-making moment to moment. This makes economics the basis of life as we know it, after God. Nothing that people value is free, someone pays the cost. To gain that thing of value, scarce resources are given up and cannot be given up again for a different thing of value. And we all are competing to capture those scarce resources.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!!! Unless it's Obama....
Hmmm...hard to argue our actions are not 'blood for oil' again...but this time, it is European oil concerns. Guess THAT'S OK with the 'watch dog' media this time. Can't forget that the US was late to the fracas, and guess who was FIRST? Yup. France. Even though it was an Italian colony...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Michigan Education Association to seek strike authorization

Friday, March 18, 2011
Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda
Once Upon A Time it was said that "Man Bites Dog" was news. In the same vein, is the story linked and headlined above truly news (implying unusual or new) when such activities have been happening for some time now? In fact, don't we all know (and love?) someone who is doing this RIGHT NOW?!? I mean, come on! Seriously? Really? (And the other 'current' terms used by people in society to express incredulity and sarcasm...) Here's the link if you either don't like to click hyperlinked headlines or it is a borken lnik.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Wusses in Wisconsin, or are they?
I remember a bumper sticker issued by the Wisconsin tourism bureau or some-such back in the early 80's, "Escape to Wisconsin". I always liked to get my hands on them and cut out the 'to' part. Apparently, the democrat state senators took that to heart, and escaped, or as the bad guy played by Gary Oldman in "Air Force One" says, "He fled like a whipped dog". The link provides (rather well I might add) the reasoning behind the efforts to curtail the abilities (NOT 'rights') of AFSCME and others (PUBLIC tax-paid for employees) to negotiate in collective bargaining. Don't forget, I'm a public employee in a union. Excuse me, we cannot officially call our union a union, but rather an 'association'...right. Just remember, democracy is not what we have nor have we ever had. We are a constitutional republic. The people made their voices heard in the election last November. As Obama liked to point out after the '08 election, "Elections mean things."
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