Saturday, January 22, 2011

Opportunity Cost and The Super Bowl!!!!!

President Barry Soetoro says he'll be attending the Super Bowl in Dallas if the Bears win on Sunday against the Packers.  Barry would become the first sitting President to do so, ever.  So what, right?  Problem, due to the incredibly sophisticated security protocols surrounding the movements of the President of the United States ( e.g. shutting down airports when Air Force One is on site, shutting down expressways/interstates for his motorcade, etc. would cause an exponential impact upon the citizens and fans who are traveling to the game, attending the game, and leaving the game.  Even if he were to take Marine One (from Love Field?  Don't go there...) and land on the fifty yard line and walk to his luxury sky box, any and all individuals entering the parking lot, let alone the stadium, would be frisked and wanded.  I mean come ON!  That's why George W., Slick Willie and others watched it in HD at the 'House' with invited 'friends' and choked on a pretzel...nearly dying...  But perhaps Barry isn't the NFL and Bears fan he may now appear to be...given his current political crisis of popularity and upcoming billion dollar re-election campaign donors are shunning...  If he were 'attending' the Super Bowl, he would get the equivalent of millions of dollars of publicity and positive P.R. as the cameras would be obliged to show his reactions to various plays on the field.  So, Barry Soetoro's attendance at the Super Bowl would devolve that most watched on TV spectacle to a simple political gambit that would cost tens of thousands of others at minimum an inconvenience let alone an enjoyable time, and the rest of us the perverse close-ups of a 'leader' we'd rather not have to look at during our own revelry while participating in whatever Super Bowl party/event we may find ourselves.  Just put the shoe on the other foot.  What if George W. Bush did this very same thing for Super Bowl XLII?  Right.

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Share your unique economics experiences. What did you have to give up to gain that which at the moment seemed so necessary to you? Imperfect information spanked you and now diminishing marginal utility smacks you upside the head, eh?