Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Government Shut-Down, Vol. II

Just when you thought it was over, that the almighty national gov't would close up shop (in all the ambiguity of that concept), a guy from Ohio of all places, goes all in and wins the poker match.  Politics, truly.  (Poly=many; tics=blood sucking insects)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Government Shutdown hyperbole Vol. I

The national government will 'shut down' this weekend.  Listen to all the prognostications of doom and gloom spouting from most every font of 'news' out there...  Article I, Section 9, clause 7 requires any money drawn from the Treasury (spent) can only be appropriated by law.  This means it must be authorized by an act of Congress signed by the President.  Most are lead to believe that the appropriations for this fiscal year (FY 2011) finish up when this most recent "Continuing Resolution" expires.  The media calls a Continuing Resolution a 'stop gap spending bill'.  It is needed as the official 'budget' for this fiscal year was not passed in Congress last year (amazingly so, given that one political party had a majority, a substantial one at that, in BOTH houses of Congress AND the President, yet they deigned not to provide the country with a budget) so they reverted to a measure/method typically only used in October (the beginning of the Fiscal Year is October 1st), for portions of the budget that still needs to be signed by the President.  HOWEVER, the Congress in its infinite wisdom has taken the 'budget' and broken it up into over a dozen major components, each of which must be passed as separate 'laws'.  So, if even only one of those major components is not passed, it can be said that the budget has not passed, so a shutdown can occur.  However, the average citizen will not notice a single disruption in his/her life.  In fact, the economy may pick up in activity due to fewer regulators and inspectors interrupting economic activity, more 'laissez-faire'. the political shenanigans ramp up, with a biased media on one side, and a grassroots 'organization' on the other (that term 'organization' is very loosely applied to the Tea Party which by definition is not a political party, but a mass movement incorporating independents, republicans and democrats).

NOTE: The President decides who in the Federal Gov't is essential (still going to do the jobs after the 'shut down') and non-essential (stay at home with no pay but will be 're-imbursed' when gov't 'opens' again) so guess who dictates the impact of a shutdown?  AND guess who will be castigated and impugned unceasingly by the media?  Your choices are Republicans and Democrats.  Please vote below with a comment.