Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Facebook Use Lowers Test Scores!!!!!!

This article in the UK cites a study that demonstrates students involved in FB will be distracted to the point of not learning the material for the upcoming test.  Subjectively, the users reported it wasn't too much of an issue for them.  But objectively, study showed a negative impact.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Exactly WHAT is money?

Currency has a phrase printed on it, "In God We Trust".  Because God help us if we stop trusting that money will get us what we want in a transaction.  Barter sucks.  And we're not on any kind of Gold Standard.  In other words, ONLY faith, trust and confidence that our electronic digits in a bank account can allow us to buy what we want keeps it going.  NOTHING backs up our US Dollar other than that intangible, ephemeral concept.    http://www.theonion.com/articles/us-economy-grinds-to-halt-as-nation-realizes-money,2912/